Q:Are your items authentic?
A: Our items are not authentic, but we only carry the best replica bags, shoes, accessories available in the world. happybuybag has established itself as the premier replica items dealer on the internet to date.

We also work with manufacturers side by side to produce authentic quality bags shoes..., so close to the original that some of our items can and do pass authenticity checks. No other website can claim this.

Q: What is the main difference between your bags and the original bags from the official stores?
A: Our bags are over 98% accurate and the key differences you will find may be the weight of the hardware (2-5% lighter) or some of the serial numbers may be out of date compared to the original production. However none of these differences are visual, and in many cases the bags are an equal replacement for the original. Material-wise we do not skimp on the bags and this reflects in the quality and praise of our brand. Considering you are saving over 90% in price we believe the differences are negligible at most, and our clients (most of which own authentic bags) agree. Additionally some clients have returned our bags as real to the original stores (we do not condone this practice) but this is a testament to the quality..

Q: Are the images on your website your own ?
A: Most of the images are our own, however some Makers of bags do not lend out their products for us to take pictures of, and in this case we use the Makers own pictures instead. However we do guarantee that what you see on our website is exactly what you will get, 110% of the time.

Q: What if my bag has a quality issue? Will you help me?
A: We have a warranty on our bags and will gladly help with the repair or replacement of any issues deemed to be quality or production issues. Please contact our customer service if you require assistance with this.

Q: Where the products shipped to?
A: All over the world

Q: How much is shipping to my country?
A: We offer free international mail delivery. Normally, we choose EMS or DHL. For more information, please mail to happybuyluxury@gmail.com Whatsapp: +8618625825823

Q: Should I pay for any customs/import duty when the items arrived?
A: We will mark the item value at a lower amount and ship it as a gift to avoid custom duty. However, we can't control over any actions taken by customs department.
Q: How long you can get your products?
A: It takes about 24h to pack and quality inspection for your order. And our delivery time is about 5-7 working days. Sometimes there can be slight delays due to huge market demands, holidays or customs slowly processing, but you can still receive your order
Q: How can I cancel an order?
A: To cancelling an order made in the our system, please contact our Customer Service department at happybuyluxury@gmail.com Whatsapp: +8618625825823 within 24 hours after you placed the order, you will be asked to provide the order's number together with the reasons of cancellation. Please aware within 24 hours, or you order would be shipped out.
Q: What is the refund/exchange policy?
A: Please refer to our Return Policy. 
Q: Do you provide wholesale pricing?
A: happybuybag supports many third party sellers that purchase wholesale from us and run their own successful businesses. We can provide wholesale pricing per request. Please email sales.happybuyluxury@gmail.com Whatsapp: +8618625825823 with a specific product list and we will gladly provide pricing or you can add us on whatsapp and request wholesale pricing..
Q: How can you order shoes online? Don't you have to try them on for fit?
A: With our excellent guarantee and return policy, you don't have to worry about shopping for shoes online. To help you get an accurate fit, you can use an ordinary ruler to measure your foot in inches. Make sure you are standing, wearing the socks or stockings you will wear with your new shoes. Then convert the measurement to your shoe size using the following chart:size chart !

Q: I am wary of trusting you with my payment and am afraid to buy. How can I trust you??
A: We understand that there are many scams online and that it is difficult to shop online especially for something like a replica product, but we treat our clients money like our money and this is why our business is successful. We do not push any client to buy as we already receive a high volume of orders – if you do not trust us that is fine and we don’t want you to feel uncomfortable buying from us. If you are wary of sending a large amount of money we suggest you start with a smaller item and once you verify our quality you will definitely be back for more like our other clients. If you still feel wary then please remember shopping with us is a choice, and we want you to be 100% comfortable before buying. You can read a detailed post on our payment methods by clicking here!;

Q: How to confirm payment succeed?
A: If the system has not prompted the payment defeat or success, you may log on the net bank, dial the bank telephone, bank ATM, the bank counter and so on, each way can inquiry bankcard remaining sum, if the fund were deducted, the payment transaction is supposed to be successful.

If you have any questions or inquiry, Please email to our customer service department at happybuyluxury@gmail.com Whatsapp: +8618625825823 Any question from you will be highly appreciated in 24 hours and any order will be solved in 48 hours




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